Pre & Post-natal Oral Health

As if pregnancy isn’t hard enough! Did you know that all those hormonal changes that are occurring during pregnancy and the post- partum period are affecting your oral health? It’s ironic that during this delicate time when your new or unborn baby needs so much extra care that moms also need to spend more time looking after themselves.

Here are some things that us moms are prone to during pregnancy and the post-partum period:

Pregnancy gingivitis

We all get gingivitis because of the sticky biofilm called plaque that sits in between the tooth and the gums but during pregnancy we are more sensitive to it. That means that we don’t need as much plaque to cause the bleeding and inflammation that is associated with gum disease.

Pregnancy Tumors

Some moms-to-be get large hemorrhagic (bleeding) swellings on their gums called pyogenic granulomas (commonly known as “pregnancy tumors”) at the gum line of one or multiple teeth usually around their second trimester. This is because pregnancy hormones can cause the gum to overreact to the presence of plaque.

Dry Mouth

Those hormonal changes during pregnancy tend to stick around into the post-natal period and have been seen for years after pregnancy due to continued breastfeeding. If they weren’t hard enough to manage they also tend to cause dry mouth in our moms-to-be. Dry mouth is associated with less of our protective saliva which is there to help reduce the acidity in the mouth. Less saliva leads to a higher chance of gum disease and more cavities.

Regular dental care and cleanings

Regular dental care and cleanings before, during and after pregnancy are critical to help avoid dental emergencies during a period when we have little time for self-care. Book an Appointment now to find out how we can help during your pre and post-natal journey.

Opening Hours

Monday 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Tuesday 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Wednesday 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Thursday 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM
Friday 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM

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